Since its creation in 1979, the Roman Museum of Nyon has been dedicated to the region’s Roman archaeological heritage. In 1999, it established the Festival international du film d’archéologie de Nyon (FIFAN), which it has organized every two years since, with the aim of broadening its audience by offering access to a wealth of films showcasing this dynamic and sometimes spectacular science
After eight successful editions, the Roman Museum sought to simplify the Festival’s operations while preserving its close and historical connection. With the approval of the Municipality of Nyon, the decision was made to establish a dedicated structure for the Festival’s organization, providing the necessary resources for its management and development. In November 2014, the non-profit association Festival International du Film d’Archéologie de Nyon (FIFAN) was created.
According to its charter, the purpose of the association is to organize, develop, and promote the Nyon International Film Festival. It works towards this objective in collaboration with the Roman Museum of Nyon, which is the funder and main partner. Its committee, currently made up of 9 members, contributes in particular to fundraising for the event. The Festival Director has an advisory vote.